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What is a mindfulness circuit?

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Experience and explore three mindfulness practices in just 11 minutes.

Our innovative approach to help you find your practice enables you to discover new exercises based on our Three Questions.

Did you know, people have been practicing in circuits for thousands of years? Learn about Mindfulness Circuits, why we use them, and how they work.

If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’ve probably come across circuit training: doing exercises in combination to get a full workout. You might do sit ups for your core, squats for your legs, and lift weights for your arms. If you spent your whole gym session doing one thing – you'd get exhausted pretty quickly!

Mindfulness Circuits work the same way – combining individual exercise to get more powerful results. One circuit covers three practices in a single session: developing your mindfulness skills in different ways, and creating much greater overall benefits. In just one circuit you might do Breathwork, Movement, and Gratitude: an exercise from each practice.

While they’ve never been called circuits before (as far as we know!) different cultures have been practicing mindfulness exercises together in a sequence for thousands of years: it is an ancient technology. And we’re only just now catching up with the wide-ranging scientific benefits of practicing mindfulness this way.

It’s easy to think of the mind and body as separate – but of course they are inextricably linked. Take exercise and meditation as an example: did you know, both are forms of mindfulness?

Traditionally, yoga is a preparation for meditation. Combining movement with structured breathing, and then meditating – that's a circuit.

Shamanic traditions in many cultures have used Chanting, Visualisation and Music together to enter into altered states of consciousness. And sacred dance combines Movement, Breathwork and Sound as a preparation for prayer.

Modern psychology also uses the power of the circuit. Physical exercise, followed by journaling, followed by a small treat of some kind – think a cup of coffee or a piece of fruit – is so effective as a treatment for depression it is prescribed by therapists.

Professional athletes, when they prepare for races, combine Visualisation, Food and Movement to reach peak performance. Circuits are everywhere – our brains love them, and their compounding effects can be extremely powerful: much more powerful than doing one practice on its own.

So, our circuits cover three practices each time, in multiples of 11 minutes, increasing in complexity. In ancient Breathwork traditions, increments of 11 minutes are considered particularly powerful. Beginner (level 1) circuits cover three practices in just 11 minutes, level 2 circuits are 22 minutes and level 3 circuits 33 minutes. The specific practices are chosen for the ways they resonate and support each other.

Why not see the power of circuits for yourself? Head to our Find Your Practice page and we'll get you set up with a personalised circuit.

Ready? Let’s go.

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